Friday, August 26, 2011


I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell
                            Tucker Max

This week: 101

Sentences of the week

1. El Bingeroso decided he was hungery, so he took out a whole roll of unopened, pre-made cookie dough from the refrigerator, tore off the package, plopped the whole thing down on a cookie sheet, and threw it in the oven, setting the temperature at somewhere around "Lowest Level of Hell."

2."I hate having smart friends."
I feel the same way sometimes.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Book Review

Tucker Max can hope all he wants, but when it comes to eternal damnation he doesn't exactly have a choice. Unless of course one can think of another punishment for a man whose littlest offenses include hiding the crutches of a distracted cripple and crashing a car into a donut shop.

In his book Tucker involves 27 different mini stories.There's "The Pee Blame" where Tucker wets his own bed and somehow manages to get a complete stranger to pay for it. In the "Infamous Charity Auction Debacle" his drunken belligerence leads a respected law firm to offer him a golden parachute so they can get rid of him. And when "Tucker Goes to Vegas" he sets a new high in ridiculousness as he pretends to be a Christian rapper and goes without sleep and sobriety for 72 hours.
He is of course not alone on his adventures. Joining him are his friends that are just as bad, if not worse than him. Together as a group are just out to have a good time.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

This book was recommended to me by my brother. I don't think a book has ever legitly made me laugh out loud until now. This true story by Tucker Max is one of the funniest stories i have ever read. I think the title says it all. He takes you through his, mostly drunk, journeys which are highly entertaining.

Tucker is just a normal, everyday guy, just like you and me so it is easy to relate to him and really start to like him. To me that is the deciding factor if I like a book or not, whether I can relate to it. If  there is nothing in a story that makes it relatable, I just can't get into it.

This is a classic "I can't put it down" novel. Once you start reading you won 't want to stop. You just want to keep reading and keep reading to figure out what happens next, then before you know it, it's two in the morning and you have to get up in a little bit for school.